Monday, December 31, 2012

10th Company Command Squad

 This is the command squad of the 10th company, though they are hardly joined by their captain in battle.
 I chose to go with grey armor as the main color scheme for the Sons of Horus for two fold. First when I read Horus Rising, the book that inspired me to do this army in the first place, the cover of it depicts the Sons of Horus as wearing grey armor. The second reason is that I can now us them as either the traitor Sons of Horus, or the Loyalist Luna Wolves. I can also display more icongraphy on their armor and use multiple trim colors to show the difference between the companies.

 Some soldiers in the Sixteenth Legion already show signs of chaos, like this sergeant who is praising Horus as a king. A notion many traitors followed.

 The Banner of the 10th Company records some of the Legion's toughest engagements including the war of compliance on 63-19, Murder, and the war of the Interex. Above the Sons of Horus emblem is the common warcry. Kill for the Living, Kill for the Dead.

 Many Soldiers have warcrys and the name of their primarch painted on their armor in honor of the warmaster. This soldier above has the name Lupercal posted which is Horus' last name.

Sons of Horus Dreadnought.

 This is an ancient rouge trader dreadnought that I came across on ebay for an amazing price.

First Captain Ezekyle Abaddon

 The famed and viscious First Captain who even when he was a loyal servant and early traitor was known for his savage tempers, ruthless attacks and clever and daring tactics only matched by that of his Primarch. Rumor amongst the sixteenth legion is that he may be Warmaster Horus' cloned son.
 The white full moon emblem represents Abaddon's position amongst the Warmaster's council the Mournival. He is the cheif captain amongst the four captains that make up the Mournival.

Justaerin Terminator Squad

 The Justaerin are the most elite unit in the entire sixteenth legion. Fully armed in the new cataphractii terminator armor, they are arguably the best fighting unit in the entire imperium at the time of the great crusade. They are used as the point of the spear in the Warmaster's speartip assault tactic. Often teleporting in the very same room as the enemy commander and slaughtering them. They are also the favored squad of the first Captain Ezekyle Abaddon and the chosen bodyguards of Horus himself.
 Captain Falkus Kibre also known as Widowmaker, is the feirce captain of the Elite Justaerin Terminator unit.
 Naturally, if your leading the greatest terminator squad in the entire Imperium, you have to be armed like the best and have perhaps one of the coolest names of all 40k.

 With heavy armor and destructive close range weapons, the Justaerin can walk through massive amounts of gunfire that lesser armed units would be cut to shreds.

Catulan Reaver Squad, First Company Veteran Assault Squad.

 Catulan Reaver squad is the First Company's veteran assault troops, often launching direct and daring attacks into the enemy's command and support ranks from high altitude jumps from Stormbirds causing mass havoc amongst the enemy. They also share the unique armor color as the famed Justaerin terminator squad.

 Captain Ekkadon is a Savage warrior of the First Company and leads Catulan Reaver squad into many of the fiercest battles the legion fights.

 A melta gun to deal with those pesky tanks. Who needs Melta Bombs?