Saturday, January 5, 2013

Gaming Table

So after a lot of talk, I finally put my fifty dollars where my mouth was and created my own gaming table for my friends Rich, Jim and Cathy to do large scale games. It is a full 4x8 pink foam board with floor tiles attacked to further reinforce it. The under side (no picture) is supported by several pieces of wood to keep it from sliding off the table its on. The board is also cut in half for easy mobility and twin straps of Velcro keep them together when in use. Plan to make a lot of scenery for it. Mostly pearl and cream colored buildings. of various sizes including a few 3 to 4 footers!

This is my first terrain piece. I got it from a special terrain piece in the new Forgeworld Horus Heresy Betrayal book. It is called a Corpse Mound. Area cover, ( I would put more but don't want to be sued by GW). Anyways its exactly as it sounds, a pile o'bodies. 

 Still in early stages, more will come to follow once painted. I plan to have two so you can expect another.

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